Information Services Industry in India

1. Evolution of Information Services/Industry in India

The evolution of the information services industry in India is a story of transformation, driven by technological advancements and societal needs. Historically, India has been a knowledge hub, with ancient centers of learning such as Nalanda and Takshashila attracting scholars from around the world. However, the modern information services industry began to take shape in the post-independence era, with significant milestones marking its development.

Ancient and Colonial Era

In ancient times, information was primarily disseminated through oral traditions, manuscripts, and scholarly debates. The advent of the printing press during the colonial era marked a significant shift, enabling the mass production of books and newspapers. The establishment of libraries, such as the Asiatic Society of Mumbai (founded in 1804), played a crucial role in preserving and disseminating knowledge.

Post-Independence Developments

Post-independence, the Indian government recognized the importance of information services for national development. The establishment of institutions like the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) and the National Archives of India aimed at preserving and promoting historical and cultural knowledge. The 1960s and 1970s saw the growth of public libraries and state-run information services, which played a critical role in educating the masses.

The 1980s marked the beginning of the digital era in India, with the introduction of computers in government offices and educational institutions. The National Informatics Centre (NIC), established in 1976, became a pivotal institution in promoting information and communication technology (ICT) in the country.

The IT Revolution

The liberalization of the Indian economy in the 1990s unleashed a new era for the information services industry. The rise of the Information Technology (IT) sector, with companies like Infosys, TCS, and Wipro, transformed India into a global IT hub. This period also saw the growth of internet connectivity and the proliferation of mobile phones, which revolutionized information access and dissemination.

2. Development of Information Services Industry in India since Independence

Government Initiatives

The Indian government has played a significant role in developing the information services industry. Key initiatives include the establishment of the NIC, which has been instrumental in promoting e-governance and digital services across the country. The launch of the National Knowledge Commission in 2005 aimed to create a knowledge-based society by enhancing access to information and improving the quality of education.

Private Sector Growth

The liberalization policies of the 1990s opened up the economy to private players, leading to the rapid growth of the IT and IT-enabled Services (ITES) sectors. The rise of software export companies, business process outsourcing (BPO) firms, and knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) entities contributed significantly to the industry’s development. The private sector also invested heavily in telecommunications infrastructure, expanding internet and mobile connectivity nationwide.

Technological Advancements

Technological advancements have been a driving force behind the development of the information services industry. The adoption of cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and big data analytics has transformed how information is stored, processed, and utilized. The Digital India initiative, launched in 2015, aims to transform India into a digitally empowered society by promoting digital literacy and expanding digital infrastructure.

Role of Radio, Television, and Cinema


Radio has been a crucial medium for information dissemination in India. All India Radio (AIR), established in 1936, played a pivotal role in broadcasting news, educational programs, and entertainment. With the introduction of FM radio in the 1990s, private players entered the market, enhancing the reach and diversity of radio content. Radio remains a vital source of information, especially in rural areas where internet penetration is limited.


Television revolutionized information dissemination in India. Door Darshan, the state-owned broadcaster, began operations in 1959, providing news, educational content, and entertainment to millions of viewers. The liberalization of the television industry in the 1990s led to the emergence of numerous private channels, offering a wide range of content in various languages. Television continues to be a dominant medium for news, education, and entertainment, reaching nearly every household in the country.


The Indian film industry, popularly known as Bollywood, has been a significant medium for spreading information and influencing public opinion. Cinema has played a vital role in reflecting societal issues, cultural values, and historical events. Regional film industries, such as Tollywood, Kollywood, and others, also contribute to the rich tapestry of Indian cinema. Movies have a profound impact on public discourse and have been used as a tool for social change and awareness campaigns.

3. Size and Spread of Information Services Industry in India

Market Size

The information services industry in India is vast and multifaceted, encompassing sectors such as IT, telecommunications, media, and education. According to NASSCOM, the Indian IT industry alone was valued at approximately USD 194 billion in 2021, with a projected growth rate of 8-10% annually. The telecommunications sector, with over a billion mobile subscribers, is one of the largest in the world.

Geographical Spread

The information services industry is concentrated in major metropolitan areas such as Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Pune, and Gurgaon, which are known as IT hubs. These cities house numerous IT parks, research centers, and educational institutions that contribute to the industry’s growth. However, the spread of digital infrastructure has also enabled the growth of information services in smaller towns and rural areas, promoting inclusive development.

Employment and Contribution to GDP

The information services industry is a significant employer, providing direct and indirect employment to millions of people. The IT and ITES sectors alone employ over 4.5 million professionals. The industry’s contribution to India’s GDP is substantial, with the IT sector accounting for approximately 8% of the country’s GDP.

4. Key Components of Information Services Industry in India


The IT and ITES sectors are the backbone of the information services industry in India. They encompass software development, BPO, KPO, and IT consulting services. Major players like TCS, Infosys, and Wipro have established themselves as global leaders in these fields.


The telecommunications sector is another critical component, providing the infrastructure for information dissemination. India has one of the world’s largest mobile and internet user bases, with companies like Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel, and Vodafone Idea leading the market.

Media and Entertainment

The media and entertainment industry, including print, broadcast, and digital media, plays a vital role in information dissemination. The rise of digital platforms has transformed the media landscape, with online news portals, streaming services, and social media becoming primary sources of information.


Radio, with its wide reach, especially in rural areas, continues to be a key component of the information services industry. The diversity of content, from news to entertainment, makes it a valuable medium for information dissemination.


Television remains a dominant medium for information dissemination, with a vast network of channels providing news, educational content, and entertainment. The transition to digital broadcasting has further enhanced the quality and reach of television services.


Cinema plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and reflecting societal issues. The influence of movies extends beyond entertainment, contributing to social awareness and cultural discourse.

Education and Research

Educational institutions and research organizations are key contributors to the information services industry. Universities, libraries, and research centers generate and disseminate knowledge, while online education platforms have revolutionized access to learning.

E-Governance and Public Services

The government’s push for e-governance has led to the development of various digital public services. Initiatives like Aadhaar, Digital India, and the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) have enhanced transparency, efficiency, and access to information for citizens.

5. Drivers & Impediments in Information Services Industry in India


Technological Advancements

Continuous technological innovations, such as AI, machine learning, blockchain, and cloud computing, are driving the growth of the information services industry. These technologies enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and create new opportunities for businesses and consumers.

Government Policies

Supportive government policies, such as the Digital India initiative and favorable regulations for the IT and telecommunications sectors, have been crucial drivers. Investment in digital infrastructure, such as broadband connectivity and data centers, has further propelled industry growth.

Skilled Workforce

India’s large pool of skilled professionals, particularly in the fields of IT and engineering, is a significant driver. The country produces millions of graduates annually, providing a steady supply of talent for the information services industry.


The global demand for IT and ITES services has been a major driver for the industry. India’s cost-competitive services and expertise in software development, BPO, and KPO have attracted clients from around the world, contributing to the industry’s expansion.


Infrastructure Challenges

Despite significant progress, infrastructure challenges persist, particularly in rural areas. Limited access to high-speed internet, inadequate power supply, and lack of digital literacy can hinder the growth of information services in certain regions.

Data Privacy and Security

Concerns around data privacy and security pose significant challenges. The increasing volume of digital transactions and information exchange necessitates robust data protection measures to prevent cyber threats and ensure user trust.

Regulatory and Policy Hurdles

Inconsistent regulatory frameworks and policy uncertainties can impede industry growth. The need for clear, consistent, and business-friendly regulations is crucial to maintaining the momentum of the information services industry.

Skill Gaps

While India has a large skilled workforce, there are still gaps in specialized skills required for emerging technologies. Continuous upskilling and reskilling of the workforce are essential to meet the evolving demands of the industry.

6. Size of the Industry in Monetary Terms

The information services industry in India is a multi-billion-dollar sector, with significant contributions from various sub-sectors.


The IT and ITES sectors alone are valued at approximately USD 194 billion, with software exports accounting for a significant portion of this revenue. The industry’s robust growth trajectory is expected to continue, driven by global demand and digital transformation initiatives.


The telecommunications sector is another major contributor, with revenues exceeding USD 30 billion. The sector’s growth is fuelled by the increasing penetration of mobile and internet services, particularly in rural areas.

Media and Entertainment

The media and entertainment industry is valued at around USD 25 billion, with digital media witnessing rapid growth. The proliferation of streaming services, online news platforms, and social media has transformed the media landscape, contributing to the sector’s expansion.


The radio industry, with its vast reach and diverse content, contributes significantly to the information services sector. The entry of private FM channels has expanded the market, adding to the industry’s revenue stream.


The television industry is a major player, with revenues from advertising, subscriptions, and digital services. The transition to digital broadcasting and the growth of satellite TV have enhanced the industry’s value.


The Indian film industry, valued at approximately USD 2.5 billion, plays a significant role in the information services sector. Box office revenues, digital streaming rights, and international releases contribute to the industry’s monetary value.

E-Governance and Public Services

The government’s investment in e-governance initiatives has also contributed significantly to the information services industry. The Digital India initiative alone has an estimated budget of over USD 16 billion, aimed at enhancing digital infrastructure and services across the country.

7. Contribution of Information Services Industry to the Economic Growth of India

The information services industry is a key driver of economic growth in India, contributing to GDP, employment, and innovation.

GDP Contribution

The IT and ITES sectors contribute approximately 8% to India’s GDP. The telecommunications sector also adds significantly to the GDP, reflecting the industry’s overall economic impact.

Employment Generation

The industry is a major employer, providing jobs to millions of professionals across various sectors. The IT and ITES sectors alone employ over 4.5 million people, while the telecommunications and media sectors also generate substantial employment.

Innovation and Competitiveness

The information services industry is at the forefront of innovation, driving technological advancements and enhancing India’s global competitiveness. The industry’s focus on research and development (R&D) and adoption of cutting-edge technologies has positioned India as a global leader in the IT and ITES sectors.

Social and Economic Development

The industry’s growth has had a positive impact on social and economic development. Increased access to information and digital services has improved education, healthcare, and governance, contributing to overall societal well-being.

Cultural Influence

Radio, television, and cinema have played significant roles in shaping public opinion and reflecting societal issues. These media have been instrumental in promoting cultural awareness, social values, and national identity. They have also been used effectively for public service announcements and awareness campaigns on health, education, and social issues.

8. Comparison with Large Countries

When compared to other large countries, India’s information services industry stands out in several aspects.

IT and ITES Leadership

India is a global leader in the IT and ITES sectors, with a significant share of the global market. The country’s cost-competitive services, skilled workforce, and expertise in software development and BPO have positioned it ahead of many other nations.

Telecommunications Growth

India’s telecommunications sector is one of the largest in the world, with over a billion mobile subscribers. The rapid expansion of mobile and internet connectivity, particularly in rural areas, sets India apart from many other large countries.

Media and Digital Transformation

The media and entertainment industry in India is undergoing a digital transformation, with a significant shift towards online platforms. The country’s large and diverse consumer base provides a unique advantage in this sector.

Radio, Television, and Cinema

India’s radio, television, and cinema industries are among the largest in the world. The extensive reach of radio and television, coupled with the global influence of Indian cinema, positions India uniquely in the global information services landscape.

Challenges and Opportunities

While India has made significant strides, challenges such as infrastructure gaps, regulatory uncertainties, and data privacy concerns need to be addressed. However, the country’s growth potential and continuous innovation present numerous opportunities for the information services industry.

9. Future Outlook – Next 10 to 20 Years in India

The future of the information services industry in India looks promising, with several trends and developments shaping its trajectory.

Digital Transformation

The ongoing digital transformation across various sectors will drive the growth of the information services industry. The adoption of emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) will create new opportunities and enhance efficiency.

Expansion of Digital Infrastructure

The expansion of digital infrastructure, particularly in rural areas, will promote inclusive growth. Government initiatives like BharatNet aim to provide high-speed internet connectivity to rural India, bridging the digital divide and enabling access to information services.

Skill Development and Innovation

Continuous investment in skill development and innovation will be crucial. Initiatives to upskill the workforce in emerging technologies and promote research and development will enhance India’s global competitiveness.

Policy and Regulatory Support

Supportive policies and a conducive regulatory environment will play a key role in sustaining industry growth. Clear and consistent regulations, along with measures to address data privacy and security concerns, will foster a favourable business environment.

Global Opportunities

The global demand for IT and ITES services is expected to remain strong, providing opportunities for Indian companies to expand their footprint. India’s position as a cost-competitive service provider with a skilled workforce will continue to attract global clients.

E-Governance and Public Services

The government’s focus on e-governance and digital public services will drive the growth of the information services industry. Initiatives to enhance transparency, efficiency, and access to services will benefit citizens and promote overall development.

Sustainable Growth

Sustainable growth, driven by technological advancements and inclusive development, will be a key focus. The industry’s contribution to economic growth, employment generation, and societal well-being will be central to India’s future trajectory.

Role of Radio, Television, and Cinema


Radio will continue to play a crucial role in information dissemination, especially in rural areas. The growth of community radio stations and the expansion of FM channels will enhance the reach and diversity of radio content.


Television will remain a dominant medium, with the transition to digital broadcasting and the growth of satellite TV further enhancing its quality and reach. The rise of over-the-top (OTT) platforms will also complement traditional television services, providing viewers with diverse content options.


Cinema will continue to influence public opinion and cultural discourse. The growth of digital streaming platforms and international collaborations will expand the reach of Indian cinema, making it a global phenomenon.

10. Conclusion

In conclusion, the information services industry in India has come a long way, evolving from ancient centers of learning to a global IT powerhouse. The industry’s growth has been driven by technological advancements, government initiatives, and a skilled workforce. Despite challenges, the future outlook remains positive, with numerous opportunities for expansion and innovation. The information services industry will continue to play a crucial role in shaping India’s economic and social landscape, contributing to its overall development and global competitiveness.






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